Born in Brooklyn, New York, Mick spent his formative years on Long Island. Much like the labor movement that built New York, it also helped shape Mick into the strong labor leader he is today. Mick began his labor career early on in life, in the late 80’s, joining the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) and the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists. In the early 90’s, following in his father’s footsteps, Mick joined the Dock Builders and Joiners Union, Local 1446 in New York City.
Upon graduating high school, Mick continued his education at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte where he majored in Mechanical Engineering. Mick then enlisted in the United States Marine Corps in 1996. He graduated from Marine Aerial Navigation School and became a KC-130 Navigator using inertial and celestial navigation, stationed at Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Cherry Point, NC and Stewart Air National Guard Base, NY. Mick was honorably discharged in 2001. After leaving the Marine Corps, he attended Columbia University in New York City where he majored in Applied Mathematics and Combinatorics.
Mick left Columbia University when he was hired by the FAA in January 2007. Mick started his ATC/NATCA career at Boston ATCT. He was elected to his first NATCA position in January 2009 as the Local secretary and was subsequently elected to three consecutive terms as FacRep of Boston Tower. Mick also served as the New England Region Alternate Regional Vice President (ARVP) from January to December 2017. One of the major projects he worked on as ARVP was lead on the K90 to A90 consolidation project which cutover in February of 2018.
In 2018, Mick successfully ran for Regional Vice President (RVP), the position he currently holds. As RVP, Mick has acted as lead or RVP liaison on many different committees such as the National Centralized ERR Placement Team (NCEPT), National Employee Services Team (NEST), Grievance Review Team (GRT), National Validation Team (NVT), ABACUS, AFL-CIO Union Veterans Council, and the National Training Committee. He was also appointed to two different teams: the 2022-2023 CRWG Team as well as the 2021 MCAS Cherry Point Contract Team.
Mick lives in Londonderry, New Hampshire with his wife, Kelly, also an air traffic controller at Boston Tower, along with his four children, Bella (15), Ely (13), Mickey (5), and Katie (4), and their energetic dog Luna.